2017: Paranormal Reality TV and the Portrayal of Scientific Practise.
2019: Speaker.
2020: Speaker - "Paranormal Media and the Modern Ghost Hunter"
2018: Speaker.
2019: Speaker.
2019: Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary (2 Presentations):
The Ghosts of Ghostbusters: Fact v Fiction
Back off Man! I'm a Parapsychologist
2020: Speaker (Was originally attending in person, but due to COVID-19 it was changed to a Virtual Con).
2021: Speaker (Was originally attending in person, but due to COVID-19 it was changed to a Virtual Con).
2022: Speaker on multiple panels (in person!).
2021: Speaker - "Piercing the Veil: Modern Paranormal Groups at Halloween".
2021: Speaker - "Modern Paranormal Groups at Halloween".
2022: Speaker - "Modern Paranormal Groups - Just Playing Ghostbusters?".